作者 主题: 【Heart】【核心】简介 / Introduction  (阅读 12405 次)

副标题: P1-P4;这俩作者遣词造句比spire更过分(指难翻译)了

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【Heart】【核心】简介 / Introduction
« 于: 2020-05-10, 周日 18:35:17 »

如果你熟悉我们同一世界观下的前一个游戏《高塔(Spire)》的话,你会发现这本《心脏》与与它有许多共通之处。《心脏》使用的是驱动《高塔》的“抗力系统(resistance system)”的修改版,故事舞台也正是同名都市“高塔”的正下方。在设定与灵感上,这两本书也能够彼此影响。然而,《心脏》仍旧是一个完全独立的游戏,即使你对《高塔》一无所知,也同样能游玩它。
劇透 -   :
This is a game set in the mad, shifting chasms and ruins known as the Heart. Groups of desper‐ ate people journey into it looking for something important: secrets, truth, absolution or sanctu‐ ary. They band together for protection and com‐ panionship as they move through dangerous, lawless lands in search of ‘havens’ – places of shelter, however impermanent, that offer respite from the Heart.
You are those people: delvers. You will trek deep into the twisting nightmare world of the Heart. It will form itself around you, and you will scar patterns into its flesh as it changes you. If you come back, you will not be the same.
If you’re familiar with Spire, our previous game in the same universe, you’ll notice that Heart shares a lot with it. It uses a modified version of the resistance system that powers Spire and takes place directly beneath the eponymous city. Each book can inform the other when it comes to set‐ ting and inspiration, but Heart is a completely standalone game. You don’t need to know any‐ thing about Spire to play it.

基调 / TONE
劇透 -   :
Heart is a game of wonder, horror, tragedy and humanity in the face of inhumanity. Each player character is fundamentally doomed, as most of the high-level abilities kill the user when triggered. This isn’t a game about long-term exploration and growth. It’s about flawed, obsessive people making bad decisions and investigating a horrific undercity because they’re convinced that the answers they need might lie inside it.

为了保证每个人都能享受游戏,准备些保险措施(safety tools)总是好的,恐怖游戏尤其如此。我们考虑过把这些建议放在后文里的GM部分,但还是放在了这个所有人都能读到的地方,因为它们实在是太重要了。
首先,在游戏开始之前,GM应当请求玩家们指出各自的“底线与余地(Lines and Veils)”。“底线”是玩家绝对不想在游戏里看到的主题或行为;“余地”则是只要描述比较模糊、就可以在游戏里出现的主题和行为。所有人都列出了自己的底线与余地之后,就轮到其他玩家来尊重这些,别让它们出现在游戏里了。
然而,也不是所有人都愿意把令他们不适的东西列成清单揭露出来——尤其是在与陌生人一起游玩时。在这种情况下,我们建议GM在桌子中间放一张画着大“X”的卡片,也就是由John Starvropoulos提出的“X卡(the X card)”。如果有人(包括GM在内)因桌上正在发生的事情而感到不适,他们就可以触碰X卡,而小组就应该停下来,把这一令人不适的元素换成别的什么东西。触碰了X卡的玩家没有任何必要解释这一主题让他们感到不适的原因。
劇透 -   :
It’s always a good idea to have some safety tools in place to make sure that everyone is having a great time, especially with horror games. We considered putting these suggestions in the GM section, but because they’re so important, we instead put them here where everyone can see them.
Firstly, before play starts, the GM should ask the players to share their Lines and Veils. A Line is a topic or action that the player doesn’t want to be included in the game at all. A Veil is a topic or action that the player is okay with including in the game as long as its description is vague. Once people have outlined their lines and veils, it’s up to the other players to respect them and not include them in the game.
However, not everyone wants to reveal a list of things that make them uncomfortable – especially if they’re playing a game with strangers. In these cases, we also recommend that the GM places a card with an “X” written on it in the centre of the table: the X Card (by John Stavropoulos). If anyone (GM included) is uncomfortable with something that occurs in the game, they should touch the X Card and the group should stop pursuing the upsetting element and replace it with something else. The person who touched the X Card is under no obligation to explain why the topic upsets them if they don’t want to.
There is a wide variety of other safety tools available online, so we recommend that you research them to work out which is the best for you and your group.


场景:角色扮演里的一幕,可长可短(这不是个很精确的用语)。划分场景可以依靠空间(例如,在废墟里藏身等待、以暗中监视一支异教团体)、时间(例如,花上数个小时采集蘑菇)、或是目标(例如,追踪一头心脉野兽(heartblood beast))。

(*关于人称和骰子单复数形态的问题此处略过,因为中文不涉及这些问题。中文同样没有专门的“gender-neutral pronoun”,所以文中指代单数的“them”在这里会被全部翻译为“他”。)







呼唤(CALLING):你来到在下之城(the City Beneath)、并留在这里的理由。







劇透 -   :
RESISTANCE: a measure of what you have to lose. The higher the number, the more likely it is that your character suffers fallout.

SKILL: learned competence in a particular area of expertise. Skills add a D10 to relevant rolls.

DOMAIN: experience of an environment and its inhabitants or a broad topic of knowledge. Domains add a D10 to relevant rolls.

KNACK: a high degree of focus on a specific skill or domain. Knacks add a D10 to relevant rolls.

CALLING: why you came to the City Beneath and what keeps you here.

BEAT: goals, scenes or outcomes associated with a Calling. When you achieve one, you grow in power.

STRESS: abstract misfortune that represents the toll actions take on a character .Turns into fallout.

FALLOUT: the concrete cost of accruing too much stress; mechanical detriments or story effects leveled against a character.

DELVE: a perilous journey between two landmarks.

LANDMARK: an area of relative stability in the shifting City Beneath; something to navigate by.

TIER: tiers rank from 0 to 4. The higher the number, the closer the location is to the centre of the Heart.

(*两位作者的全名分别是Christopher Taylor与Grant Howitt。)
你会随着进程的推进创作这个游戏。你将要读到的这本书里记载的,只是一系列可供使用的建议和支持材料。每个人的游戏都能被认出是 《心脏》规则下的游戏,但他们所创造出的在下之城都是独一无二的。这是有意为之的:从一开始,我们就把这一点融入到了规则与虚构内容之中。
劇透 -   :
Hello. This is coming straight from us to you, gamesmaster.
You’re going to make this game up as you go along. The book you’re about to read is a list of sugges‐ tions and props for you to use. Everyone’s game will be recognisably Heart, but their version of the City Beneath will be unique. This is intentional: we’ve baked it into the rules and fiction from the word go.
Inside, you’ll find a world that builds itself around the player characters as they explore. You’ll note that this is how pretty much every roleplaying game works when you sit down to play, but we wanted to make it part of the setting too.
We don’t have a canonical Heart; we both run it differently. Chris’ Heart is organic, a choking warren of quartz and teeth and blood and death, and people are few and far between. Grant’s Heart is urban, a place of desperate survival built on the ruins of those who have failed before, and comes with high ceilings, alien skies and rushing breezes.
 So: use what you want to, throw out what you don’t like and create your own stuff. Stitch it together into a horrid patchwork of obsession and misfortune and tragedy and wonder. If you’re not sure about a setting element, make something up and run with it; there aren’t any right or wrong answers. Your Heart is supposed to be different from everyone else’s.
 What you’re reading is just the start. Go mess it up and make it yours.
« 上次编辑: 2020-05-19, 周二 18:52:01 由 Rincewind »
幾年石を積み続け / 年复一年持续堆积石头
見えた先は石要らぬ世界だ / 却看到前面是 不需要石头的世界

Let us embrace this place with warmth, so everyone can shine like stars in the sky.
The shelves deserted and the checkout lines / are longer than all the tinsel tying up the trees

个人分区(semi-active) | 独立规则Spire: The City Must FallHeart: The City Beneath的翻译分区  说不准会在2022年重启。

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Re: 【Heart】【核心】简介 / Introduction
« 回帖 #1 于: 2020-05-19, 周二 18:48:00 »




心脏的边缘区域还是有人定居的:供奉被禁止崇拜的神明的异端教徒;护卫支撑高塔的毒品农场与实验室的有组织罪犯;向被掩埋的非人智慧低语的狂热法师团体;简而言之,都是些背离了在上之城 the City Above,为了寻找答案向着心脏内部钻探的人。这里有着洞窟、建筑物、以及数百年前就已坍塌而失去作用的基础设施。

(*译注:分别是后文中的Tier 2地区:Swinefall;Highrise;the Red Market。)

(*分别对应tier 3地区:Ghastling Plain和Briar。第一个似乎是泛指。)

再往下?那就是心脏本身 the Heart Itself了。这是一个繁盛的现实裂缝,一个渗透进人与精灵的世界中的、由血与骨构成的寄生宇宙。
心脏能够感知到你,并会借着你的印象来重塑自己。那些定居点之所以在那里出现,是因为人们相信它们应当在那儿:它们是反复重复而得以成真的期望,是侵入者在心脏的血肉中留下的刻痕。然而,若是你离开既定的路线、向着未知之处进发,心脏也同样会在你的视野外无声无形地生长。它会听从你的梦想,用翻腾的精质 quintessense为你塑造奖赏、惩罚、以及世界

劇透 -   :
The Heart is a dangerous, unpredictable, mad place. Located beneath the mile-high city of Spire in the land of Destera, it is a rip in the holes between worlds.
The Heart begins, in theory, in the undercity of Spire near the tumbledown settlement of Derelictus. Get out of earshot of the sing-song gangs of street children, leave behind the tenements and shanties, crawl deep into the forsaken bowels of the city and you’ll reach the Heart.
The Heart ends, in theory, nowhere. The closer one gets to its centre, the less stable reality becomes. In the midst of its red wet nightmare, concepts such as “beginning” and “end” come undone.
There are settlements on the outskirts: heretic churches worshipping forbidden gods; organised criminals guarding the drug farms and laboratories that supply Spire; cults of magicians who whisper to buried inhuman intelligences; in short, people who have turned their backs on the city above and delved into the Heart in search of answers. There are caves and buildings and the echoes of infrastructure that crumbled into use‐ lessness centuries ago.
Go deeper, and the Heart makes less sense (to a rational mind, at least). Here there are crimson labyrinths ruled by the ghosts of slaughtered beasts; acres of high-rise buildings with swarms of spectres haunting the lower floors and people scraping out an existence huddled on the rooftops; twisting market-warrens of red cloth, cobblestones and awnings where maniac serfs worship their god-king masters and chant their financial transactions like sacred mantras.
Deeper still, and the Heart is almost unrestrained. There are skies here – blasted skies that have never held the sun or stars. There are lakes of dust where villages perch atop stilts and people hunt shark-headed beasts with harpoons. There are forests, moon-lit by no moon, where the trees are utterly mad and will hunt.
Beneath that? The Heart Itself, a blossoming tear in reality, a parasite universe of blood and bone seeping into the world of man and elf.
The Heart can taste and smell you, and it makes itself anew in your image. The settlements are there because people believe they should be: they are expectations repeated and made real, scars carved into the meat of the City Beneath by invaders. But go off the beaten path, tread into the unknown, and the Heart will grow invisibly, silently, just outside of your view. It listens to your dreams and fashions your reward, your punishment, your world, from roiling quintessence.
This is the Heart, and you know that somewhere down here is what you need.

心脏究竟是什么? / WHAT IS THE HEART?
劇透 -   :
There are a wide variety of theories as to what the Heart is; no-one’s quite sure. The following ideas are postulated by academics in the Cities Above and Below.

心脏是一支来自异次元的势力,想要扩张并吸收这片星球上的所有生命、把它们变成自己的基因复制品或是衍生物。它是一只善良的灰蛊(grey goo),其动机是它认为这样对世界、对其中的居民最好。它的智能同时与小孩和蘑菇相当。
劇透 -   :
The Heart is an extra-dimensional force that wants to expand and absorb all life on the planet, turning it into genetic copies or offshoots of itself. It’s a benevolent grey goo and is doing this because it thinks it’s best for the world and the people in it. It is as intelligent as a child and a mushroom at the same time.
It can copy the thoughts and memories of people who come in, so it’s attempting to make itself… approachable? comfortable? – for life. It’s copying aelfir and drow and owls and towns and social structures, but building them out of what it has to hand: meat, stone and time. It is iterating, trying to define what the optimum form is.
Spire was built to contain it by… someone? It’s unclear. It used to work but now it doesn’t, and the Heart is spreading through the city. Derelictus is stable because there are lots of people there, so it can copy what they expect to see and what they’ve seen; the deeper you get, the less sense it makes.

心脏是有着足以与丹缪 Damnou与太阳诸神 the Solar Pantheon匹敌的巨大力量的幼神(godling),而高塔则是它的茧:它将会在其中长大、并最终孵化而出。破茧而出之时,它将重塑整个宇宙。踏进心脏也就是踩进了原始的宇宙DNA汤(DNA soup);现实在此处毫无意义。它拥有着足以重塑整个宇宙的材料,在这里却仅仅任由它们散布在四处。
(*Danmou是卓尔所信仰的月神。理论上来说Spire提到的光耀女士 Our Glorious Lady,隐匿夫人 Our Hidden Mistress,以及绯红夜卫 Our Crimson Vigil都是她不同方面的化身。太阳诸神是高等精灵信仰的神系。)
劇透 -   :
The Heart is a godling of tremendous power – easily equal to the Damnou or the Solar Pantheon – and the Spire is a cocoon into which it will swell and eventually hatch. When it hatches, it will remake the cosmos. When you enter into the Heart, you’re stepping into raw cosmic DNA soup, and reality doesn’t make sense any more. It has all the building blocks to construct an entire universe, but they’re just sloshing around down there.
It’s not perfect; far from it. When you go into the Heart, it solidifies itself around you, trying to desperately latch onto whatever reality might be. It is trying to learn from you what a reality is. Crucially, it wants to keep you down here as an experiment – a lab-rat in a maze.

劇透 -   :
The Heart, like all other prokatakos arcologies on the planet, is from the future. Someone built them (and Spire) to make sure that the planet was habitable, and sent them back through time to ensure that their civilisation would happen. (But: it had already happened. But: that’s because they sent the terraformers.)
Spire is responsible for atmosphere generation; the other arcologies were for water, basic life‐ forms, etc. They’re the only reason that there’s life on the planet, and they’re using the Heart as a fuel source for whatever tool the Spire is. (The Heart is raw… stuff.) Every arcology has a Heart of some kind, but the others are better protected; also, noone tried to build a mass transit network in them.
When the high elves built the Vermissian, they essentially drilled a hole into a microwave oven, turned it on and then stared point-blank through the hole. The Heart isn’t meant to be like this; it’s uncontained world radiation bleeding out into a reality that isn’t ready for it without being properly filtered. Which means, presumably, you can fix it.
Eventually, the Prokatakos will evolve and they’ll exist again. Or: for a first time?

• 心脏是一头沉睡中的巨大生物,其中的区域则是它的梦境;
• 心脏是一架引擎,为不可知的世界机器提供能源;
• 心脏是位于星球中心的世界物质团块,而这个星球正在走向死亡;
• 心脏是高塔居民们的罪恶的显现;
• 心脏不是什么荣耀之地——它是在亿万年前被掩埋的古老魔法径流 magical runoff,而容纳它的器械正在裂开;
• 心脏是由数千埃菲尔组成的秘密结社所创造出来的艺术杰作;
• 心脏是唯一的真实死后世界;
• 心脏是所有魔法的源头;所有的宗教、异教、以及秘传教派对它的理解其实都大错特错。
劇透 -   :
• The Heart is a giant slumbering creature, and the areas within are its dreams;
• The Heart is an engine, powering an unknowable world-machine;
• The Heart is the mass of worldstuff at the centre of the planet, and the planet is dying;
• The Heart is the manifestation of the sins of the people in Spire;
• The Heart is Not A Place Of Honour – it is ancient magical runoff, buried aeons ago, and the container is cracking;
• The Heart is the artistic masterpiece of a secret society of several thousand aelfir;
• The Heart is the only true land of the dead;
• The Heart is the root of all magic, and all the cults, religions and occult orders have got it very wrong indeed.
« 上次编辑: 2020-05-19, 周二 23:59:55 由 Rincewind »
幾年石を積み続け / 年复一年持续堆积石头
見えた先は石要らぬ世界だ / 却看到前面是 不需要石头的世界

Let us embrace this place with warmth, so everyone can shine like stars in the sky.
The shelves deserted and the checkout lines / are longer than all the tinsel tying up the trees

个人分区(semi-active) | 独立规则Spire: The City Must FallHeart: The City Beneath的翻译分区  说不准会在2022年重启。