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【AoEP】谐和部队UNISON P254-265
« 于: 2018-11-12, 周一 19:01:53 »
劇透 -   :
The United Nations International Superhuman Oversight Network—UNISON—is the world’s front line against supervillains and similar global threats. In the United States, AEGIS may get all of the press, but in other parts of the world, it’s UNISON that takes the risks, putting their lives on the line against supervillains, often without wellstocked arsenals and bases (or even a good medic) at their disposal.

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Re: 【AoEP】谐和部队UNISON P254-265
« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-11-12, 周一 19:02:41 »
UNISON成立于1956年,最初是为了应对苏伊士运河而设立的。在首批维和部队建立起来的同时,不少人都在思考该如何对抗诸如曾经于1950s威胁德国的Killer Kaiser之类的“外部安全威胁。”即便在那个年代,超级恶棍并不常见,但他们仍是国际当局所迫切关注的问题,于是在首批维和部队被建立起的同时,他们又新增了一项条款:建立起一个特别行动小组,以追捕与调谐那些跨越了国际边界的超级罪犯,罪犯们很少考虑国际主权。该小组整整六年都默不作声,直到1962年, Leopard King接管那些新独立的非洲国家的时机已经成熟了时,他建立了一支“豹人”(对当地部落成员进行洗脑)军队,他对包括Dakana在内的数个国家进行了攻击,应M’Zale国王的请求,联合国派遣了一只维和部队介入了该事件。这是有记录的联合国第一次利用维和部队来对付超级恶棍。
劇透 -   :
UNISON is an outgrowth of the UN Peacekeeping forces established in 1956 to deal with the Suez Canal crisis. At the same time as the first peacekeeping forces were established, many wondered about forces to battle “extranational security threats” such as the Killer Kaiser, a madman who threatened Germany in the early 1950s. Though supervillains were less common in those days, they were still a concern to international authorities, and when the first peacekeeping forces were established, a provision was added for the creation of a task force to coordinate and hunt supervillains who traveled across international borders, criminals having little regard for international sovereignty. The task force was inactive for six years, until 1962, when the Leopard King decided the newly independent nation-states of Africa were ripe for takeover. Establishing an army of “Leopard-Men” (brainwashed members of various local tribes), he launched an attack on several states, including Dakana. At the request of King M’Zale, the United Nations sent a peacekeeping force to intervene. This was the first recorded use of United Nations troops to fight supervillains. In 1962, the appearance of SHADOW in the first Operation Inundation posed a worldwide threat, and when AEGIS director Jack Simmons called upon his friends in the military community to battle them, one of the first people to receive a phone call was Edmond Stahl, the Danish head of the Dakana task force. Thanks in large part to Stahl’s efforts, many European capitals were spared a SHADOW assault.

在1965年,联合国又需要应对新的威胁:玛尔菲迪亚,来自法尔赛城的远征军。(译注:Farside City为月球上的一座城市,由被称为 法尔赛人(Farsider)的月球人建造)他们运营着英格兰中部的一家砾石采石场。
他们的任务是采集某些稀有元素,并对征服地球进行预先评估。联卫(谐和部队在当时被称为Uniforce)了解到了这一威胁,并获得了两位名为“联结者”的神秘人的帮助——他们是来自未来的并且可以占据现在人类的身体的时间旅行者,致力于对抗那些源自于原地球时间线之外的威胁——玛尔菲迪亚被击败,联结者们也揭露了意图篡改历史的真凶——他侵占了 Lady Lunar(译注:法尔赛城的统治者)的首席顾问的身体。便随着玛尔菲迪亚被击败,Lady Lunar承诺她们将于月球和平共处。不幸的是,Lady Lunar对地球有着她自己的野望,这是完全顺应着时间线的发展的。尽管如此,这次事件巩固了联卫们在防范外来威胁方面的地位。多年来,这些联结者们定期地在英格兰出现,他们称其位于一个“维度支点”上,使得在那里有些时间入侵事件更容易发生。
劇透 -   :
In 1965, the United Nations dealt with a new menace: the Malfidians, an expeditionary force from Farside City. They operated out of a small gravel quarry in Central England.
Their mission was to procure certain rare elements and assess the planet for conquest. Uniforce (as it was then called) learned of the menace, and with the help of a mysterious pair called the Associates—time travelers from the future who could possess the bodies of people in the present and work against threats that originated from outside Earth’s timestream— the Malfidians were defeated, and the Associates exposed the influence of the time tamperer Zeitgeist, who possessed the body of Lady Lunar’s chief advisor. With her Malfidian Guard defeated, Lady Lunar pledged peaceful coexistence with the Earth. Unfortunately, Lady Lunar had her own ambitions toward Earth that fit entirely within the normal confines of the timestream. Nonetheless, the incident solidified the standing of Uniforce to guard against alien threats. The Associates made periodic reappearances in England over the years, explaining it sits on a “dimensional fulcrum,” making certain temporal incursions more likely to occur there.
« 上次编辑: 2018-11-12, 周一 22:55:20 由 cmoon »

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Re: 【AoEP】谐和部队UNISON P254-265
« 回帖 #2 于: 2019-02-03, 周日 13:35:03 »
20世纪60年代,一些恐怖主义和无政府主义团体在全球范围内兴起,威胁着全人类的自由和法治。暗影(SHADOW)是这些邪恶势力中最臭名昭著的;然而,最初的噩兆(MENACE)(欧洲移动全球控制网络)是由一群企图偷取乌有之枪(Inexistence Gun)(其为一件能够改变因果的武器)的欧洲疯子所组成的组织。这使得字母表小队诞生了(灵感来自于联合者们随便说出的几句评论:“你需要为字母表中的每一个字母都找一个相应的特工来阻止噩兆和他们的超级武器!”)。字母表是由26名顶尖特工组成的、用以进行任何自杀式任务的团队,他们可以将其“从坟墓之下”解决掉。在世界的每一个角落(甚至在比这更远的地方),经历了数年的“猫鼠游戏”之后,字母表小队终于切断了噩兆前往他们那处于时空之外的武器储藏点的通路,他们在那里偷出了那件武器并且终结了噩兆的威胁。尽管字母表小队的名字总是让人轻看他们几分,但他们总是能够派出一流的队伍。作为字母表小队的二把手,特工E(安东尼·埃利斯)是现任谐和管理上校詹妮弗·埃利斯的父亲。在他身为雇佣兵的几年里,杰克·沃尔夫作为“特工W”在字母表小队里呆了一年(在那时,他被誉为“最倒霉的字母”)。
劇透 -   :
In the 1960s, a number of terrorist and anarchist groups sprang up around the globe to threaten human freedom and the rule of law. SHADOW is the most infamous of these agencies of evil; however, the original incarnation of MENACE (Mobile European Network Acquiring Control of Earth) was an organization of European lunatics that stole plans for the Inexistence Gun, a weapon that altered causality. This brought about the creation of Team Alphabet (inspired by an offhand comment by the Associates that “you’d need a special agent for every letter of the alphabet to stop MENACE and their super weapon!”). Team Alphabet was an elite team of 26 super-spies who boasted that if they were given a suicide mission, they could solve it “from beyond the grave.”After several years of cat-and-mouse in every corner of the world (and beyond), Team Alphabet managed to cut off MENACE’s access to the Arsenal Outside Time, where they had stolen their fantastic weapons, and put an end to their threat. Although its name often makes eyes roll, the team has always fielded a top-notch contingent. The second-incommand of Team Alphabet, Agent E (Anthony Ellis) is the father of current UNISON chief Colonel Jennifer Ellis. During his mercenary days, Jack Wolf spent a year on the squad as “Agent W” (which, until then, had a reputation for being the “unluckiest letter”).

到了1993,这一切都产生了变化,Terminus Invasion入侵是一个明确的,表明世界需要能够应对外星威胁的全球性组织的信号。两名经验丰富的联卫成员——英国的珍妮佛·埃利斯少校(Jennifer Ellis)和印度的杰哈德·达里瓦尔(Jahal Daliwhal)少校,再次提议建立一个伞状组织。在UNSAC反对这项举措时,字母表小队对其进行了卧底,并发现UNSAC已经被一个外星寄生虫种族所渗透。随着这一威胁的暴露,再也没有什么能阻止该提案的推进。UNISON于1994年正式成立,由来自西班牙的卡洛斯•圣地亚哥(Carlos Santiago)担任首任主管,UNISON这个名字寓意着该机构将一心一意地保护人类。
幸运的是,哈利·鲍尔斯(Harry Powers)和珍妮佛·埃利斯过去曾在多个任务中合作过,这一事实降低了圣盾局(AEGIS)和UNISON之间的壁垒,即便所属两组织的特工之间的竞争往往会比这更为激烈。在欧洲和加拿大,UNISON与大多数执法机构之间都有着良好的关系,在这一领域(处理超人类与外星威胁)则更为活跃。特别是他们与国际刑警组织有着良好的关系。在非洲大部分地区和南美的部分地区,UNISON几乎不受限制。除了埃利斯和中国官员之间的几次私下会晤外,UNISON从未获得进入中华人民共和国的许可。
劇透 -   :
Thanks to the wonders of bureaucratic compartmentalization, Uniforce and Team Alphabet were not the only UN agencies investigating superhuman threats. By 1970, the bureaucracy of the United Nations had developed no less than six different agencies to handle matters relating to aliens and superhuman threats. Clearly, a more unified approach was needed to coordinate these agencies into an effective force.
 For years, two sub-agencies, the United Nations Science Advisory Council (UNSAC) analyzed alien technology and the United Nations Paranormal Enclave Committee (UNPEC) advised on dealings with places like Atlantis. Enemy agents interested in sowing dissent had infiltrated both agencies. As a result, convergence of all United Nations concerns did not occur for another 25 years, though the other agencies moved closer to cooperation.
In 1993, everything changed. The Terminus Invasion was a clear signal the world needed to organize a response to alien threats on a global scale. Major Jennifer Ellis of Great Britain and Major Jahal Daliwhal of India, both experienced Uniforce operatives, again proposed an umbrella organization. When UNSAC opposed the measure, Team Alphabet went undercover and discovered that UNSAC had been infiltrated by a race of alien parasites. With this threat exposed, there was nothing keeping the proposal from going forward. UNISON, a name meant to signify the single-mindedness of the agency to protect humanity, was formally created in 1994 with Spain’s Carlos Santiago as its first director.
Despite being created in a favorable world climate, UNISON is not particularly welcome worldwide. Their standard operating procedure is for all national governments to approve their mission before entering. UNISON is supposed to share all intelligence with local authorities and national security agencies, and provide them with regular updates. For the most part, they are allowed to enter a country like the United States only when they are on an intelligence-gathering mission to investigate aliens or supervillain threats with a worldwide scope, but they require a special permit to carry weapons.
Fortunately, the fact that Harry Powers and Jennifer Ellis worked together on numerous missions in the past has lowered barriers between AEGIS and UNISON, though their agents often have a more intense rivalry. In Europe and Canada, they have good relations with most law enforcement agencies, and they are more active in the field. In particular, they have a good relationship with Interpol. In much of Africa and parts of South America, UNISON almost acts with impunity. UNISON has never been granted permission to enter the People’s Republic of China, except for a few private meetings between Ellis and Chinese officials.
There is also one worldwide threat where even Harry Powers defers to UNISON’s expertise: Overthrow.

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Re: 【AoEP】谐和部队UNISON P254-265
« 回帖 #3 于: 2019-02-03, 周日 13:44:14 »
Overthrow强烈反对全球化和其他推动经济共同发展的市场的力量,其隐藏自身的技巧能与它们的攻击的恶毒程度相匹配。1999年,UNISON主管圣地亚哥遇刺身亡,次年,他们又暗杀了他的继任者,一位名叫哈里·史密斯(Harry Smith)的极具实力的牙买加人。2002年,英国的珍妮佛·埃利斯被任命为UNISON的主管,她成功地躲过了来自Overthrow的炸弹和Overthrow暗杀者的子弹——这并非Overthrow没有对此进行尝试。
除了来自Overthrow的威胁之外,UNISON还在2003年击退了格鲁人(Grue)的入侵,UNISON派出了联合风暴(UniStorm)——在 Terminus Invasion后建立的由10艘具有太空作战能力的重型战斗机组成的编队。这只小型独立太空舰队的存在令安理会成员感到震惊,并引发了关于UNISON在地球防御方面作用的激烈辩论。到目前为止,埃利斯一直在保护着她的组织不受削弱其独立军事能力的企图的影响,这在一定程度上要归功于UNISON的几位密友,诸如达卡纳的金·巴拉(King M’balla)(他秘密支持联合风暴计划)、原子家族和自由联盟等等。
对UNISON的另外一项重大考验是——2004年,西非国家Côte de Liberté试图让UNISON参与到控制其内战的行动中来。UNISON作为联合国维和部队的先遣部队进入了Côte de Liberté,并参与了几场与叛军组织的交火。然而,UNISON拒绝推进部队进行攻击,也拒绝卷入一场内战。在死亡人数上升后,UNISON受到了严厉的指责与批评,但在幕后,他们设法通过谈判达成了一直持续到今天的停火协议。克制力和外交手段的有效结合,一直是埃利斯担任主管期间的标志之一,但就连她自己也承认,她是“如领深渊,如履薄冰”。。
劇透 -   :
In the late 1980s, a new terrorist threat surfaced to trouble the world in the absence of SHADOW and MENACE: Overthrow, an alliance of European terrorist cells organized into a terrorist super-organization. This misfit collection of anarchists and political extremists began a campaign of bombings and assassination in Germany, which soon spread to France, Spain, Italy, and Greece, and eventually reached Eastern Europe and even America.
Vehemently opposed to globalization and other market forces driving economies together, Overthrow’s skill in hiding itself from sight was matched only by the viciousness of their attacks. In 1999, Overthrow assassinated UNISON Director Santiago, and the following year they assassinated his successor, a capable Jamaican named Harry Smith. In 2002, the UK’s Jennifer Ellis was appointed director of UNISON, and has managed to avoid Overthrow bombs and assassins’ bullets—though not for lack of trying on Overthrow’s part.
In addition to the Overthrow threat, UNISON aided in fighting off the Grue invasion of 2003, fielding UniStorm, a fleet of ten space-capable heavy fighter craft UNISON commissioned after the Terminus Invasion. The existence of a small independent space fleet came as something of a shock to members of the Security Council and sparked intense debate on UNISON’s role in planetary defense. So far, Ellis has managed to defend her organization from attempts to cripple its independent military capacity, thanks in part to close friends of UNISON like King M’Balla of Dakana (who secretly backed the Uni-Storm program), the Atom Family, and the Freedom League.
Atlantis has been a problem for UNISON, as the major world powers realized years ago the Atlanteans would only accept UNISON as an independent monitoring agency. After long and grueling negotiations with the Atlanteans, they finally agreed to allow UNISON to maintain three monitoring stations within 50 kilometers of claimed Atlantean territories. Due to Atlantean technology, these stations have proven nearly useless in tracking Atlantean activities, but this hasn’t prevented them from being targeted three times by Atlantis or unaffiliated Atlantean barbarians during recent standoffs with the undersea empire.
Another big test for UNISON came in 2004, when the West African nation of Côte de Liberté attempted to get UNISON involved in controlling its civil war. UNISON went in as an advance force for UN Peacekeepers and became involved in firefights with a number of rebel groups. However, UNISON refused to press the attack or otherwise become involved in a civil conflict. After the death toll mounted, UNISON was heavily criticized, but behind the scenes, they managed to negotiate a cease-fire that has held to this day. The effective combination of restrained force and diplomacy has been one of the hallmarks of Ellis’ term as director, but even she admits that she is only one misstep away from a major disaster.


如今的UNISON有些“人格分裂”。UNISON的目的因其所在地区的不同而有所不同,因此它在那些没有强大军事存在或中央政权的地区更具侵略性。在其他地方,他们是应对 Overthrow 这类国际威胁的调查员。他们成绩斐然;然而,它们几乎每个季度都在接受着严格的审查。
Overthrow 已经被证明是UNISON的挫败感的主要来源。UNISON已经捣毁了许多Overthrow的小分支,阻止了数十起阴谋,但他们未能打击到该组织的领导层,也未能发现其资金背后的秘密。多年前,珍妮佛•埃利斯曾认为,必然有一个强大的世界舞台参与者在为Overthrow提供资源和情报。经过了长时间的调查,埃利斯排除了世界主要政府的嫌疑,除了Overthrow可能与Dr. Sin.有关之外,她没有收获到丝毫有用的证据。击败Overthrow几乎成了她的一个心病,但她还没有意识到Overthrow背后的更大的威胁。
劇透 -   :
Today, UNISON has something of a split personality. Because its objectives vary depending on the part of the globe in which they are operating, UNISON is much more aggressive in areas of the world that don’t have a strong military presence or central authority. Elsewhere, they are investigators who deal with international threats like Overthrow. Their record is excellent; however, they are under intense scrutiny from nearly every quarter.
 Overthrow has proven a major source of frustration. UNISON has broken up numerous small cells and stopped dozens of plots, but they have failed to hit the leadership of the organization or discover the secret behind their funding. Years ago, Jennifer Ellis figured Overthrow had to have a powerful player in the world scene supplying it with goods and intelligence. After a long investigation, Ellis has ruled out major world government backing, but has no evidence, except for the possibility of a connection with Dr. Sin. Defeating Overthrow has almost become an obsession with her, but she is as yet unaware of the greater threat behind Overthrow.
« 上次编辑: 2019-02-03, 周日 13:45:54 由 cmoon »

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Re: 【AoEP】谐和部队UNISON P254-265
« 回帖 #4 于: 2019-10-17, 周四 16:03:07 »
UNISON的成员来自两个地方:自愿承担维和和安全任务的成员国的军队,以及所谓的“外籍人员”,即自愿以一种与法国外籍军团(French Foreign Legion)类似的方式参加UNISON任务的人。这种“多变的部队”令UNISON在任务部署方面拥有着极大的灵活性,但这在西方世界引发了争议。为了帮助UNISON,Dakana 慷慨地同意资助这些部队,这样他们就可以避免大部分争议,但Dakana 不允许他们进入自己的国家,只允许他们留在UNISON地球防御总部(UNISON Earth Defense HQ),这是UNISON在世界上最大的军事基地,位于该国东南部边境的Mgava山,这让一些人开始质疑该政策的合法性。
劇透 -   :
UNISON is based in Geneva, Switzerland, and reports to the Global Special Security (GSS) Sub-committee of the United Nations Security Council. This committee, composed of members of the Security Council, reviews major mission proposals from UNISON staff, approves funding, and reports on UNISON activities to the Security Council and the General Assembly. Because UNISON receives much of their funding from “outside” sources like Daedalus, they have more autonomy than one might think; the Security Council, generally understanding the complexities of UNISON’s task, rarely raises a fuss.
Members of the organization come from two sources: military forces from member states who volunteer for peacekeeping and security duties, and so-called “extranationals,” people who volunteer for UNISON duty in a way not unlike the French Foreign Legion. This “floating force” allows UNISON far more flexibility in mission deployment, but is controversial in the western world. In an effort to help UNISON, Dakana has generously agreed to sponsor these troops so they may avoid the bulk of the controversy, even though Dakana does not permit them to enter their nation unless they remain in the UNISON Earth Defense HQ, the largest UNISON military base in the world, located in Mt. Mgava on the nation’s southeastern border, leading some to question the policy’s legitimacy.
UNISON has three service branches: Military, Investigation, and Command. The Military branch works in conjunction with UN peacekeeping forces to deal with alien or supervillain threats. The Intelligence branch fights terrorist threats and gathers information on “humanity’s common enemies.” The Command branch oversees the bureaucracy and works toward meeting the supply needs of UNISON.
 The current Director-General of UNISON’s operations is Colonel Jennifer Ellis (see Personnel later in this chapter).

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Re: 【AoEP】谐和部队UNISON P254-265
« 回帖 #5 于: 2019-10-17, 周四 18:54:30 »
劇透 -   :
UNISON’s duties include peacekeeping in areas where there are active supervillains and the local authorities can’t handle things, preparation for battles against global threats like the Terminus, and controlling dangerous paranormal sites.

劇透 -   :
The United Nations Extraterrestrial Liaison Organization (UNELO) is a UN agency set up to allow communications between extraterrestrials and humanity and protect the rights of law-abiding aliens on Earth. UNISON serves as an enforcement arm of the organization, providing security in first contact situations and performing rescue operations when aliens are endangered by human xenophobia—which, after the last several alien incursions, is a more frequent occurrence than most would like to admit.

劇透 -   :
UNISON’s most politically delicate tasks are missions involving supervillains who cross over a border, attack a neighboring state, and then retreat back across the border. Most times, it’s up to the supervillain’s home country to capture him and extradite him to justice. However, some nation states don’t have the resources to handle them, and the supervillain becomes a major threat to life and liberty.
 In this situation, the home country can admit they aren’t equipped to handle the situation and request UNISON assistance. This is far from a perfect system, as no nation likes to admit they can’t deal with their own problems, and neighbors get understandably angry at being victimized. This is why UNBIT exists, the United Nations Border Intervention Treaty, which allows UNISON freer access to their country. During supervillain incursions, when both nations are UNBIT signatories, the complaining nation may take its case directly to the Security Council and get approval for UNISON forces to deal with the threat.
These missions are often the worst part of UNISON’s job, particularly when the “supervillain” is actually a covert military operative for the bordering nation and has their home country’s backing.

劇透 -   :
UNISON is far more likely to deploy its forces in an investigative capacity. When they are assigned to investigate an international terrorist agency or “border-crosser,” they contact local authorities and request to be brought into a case on an advisory capacity. When the request is approved, the UNISON agent joins the officer on the case, and is supposed to work as their subordinate, allowing the local officer to lead the investigation, coordinate gathering of evidence, conduct interviews, and so forth, while UNISON observes. Other times, the local officer attempts to obstruct the investigation. Frequently, however, the UNISON agent’s superior training puts them in charge of the case. At the end of the investigation, the UNISON agent prepares a private report for the Security Council

UNISON 最可怕的秘密是条约H,这是安理会成员国之间的一项协议,授权单独行动的雇佣刺客“制裁”敌人。这些任务只有在安理会所有成员一致同意的情况下才能进行,以便在处理世界范围的威胁的同时在明面上也能不对其负责。这些任务通常针对的是恐怖组织领导人或独裁军阀,这些人不受任何主要世界大国的支持。安理会通常会选择雇佣军和秘密特工来执行这项任务。
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The most devastating UNISON secret is the H-Treaty, a pact between members of the Security Council authorizing solos, freelance assassins, to “sanction” enemies. These missions occur only with the unanimous consent of all members of the Council, to deal with threats of a worldwide scope while maintaining plausible deniability. These missions usually target terrorist leaders or dictators who, unsurprisingly, are not supported by any of the major world powers. Freelance mercenaries and top-secret agents are the usual choice for this assignment.