作者 主题: 【HA】姜饼女巫(Gingerbread Witch)【女巫变体】  (阅读 20171 次)

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【HA】姜饼女巫(Gingerbread Witch)【女巫变体】
« 于: 2020-12-29, 周二 14:53:22 »
姜饼女巫(Gingerbread Witch)【女巫变体】
姜饼魔宠(Gingerbread Familiar,[Ex]):姜饼女巫使用姜饼,糖和其他甜点来塑造她的魔宠。这种魔宠有着原本动物或虫类生物的外形,但生物类别更改为构造体。作为构造体,它获得60尺黑暗视觉和构造体的免疫能力,但失去动物或虫类生物除了移动速度外的全部特殊能力,并且不会获得一般魔宠带来的加成(例如,一只姜饼蟾蜍不会提供3点HP加成)。使用一定量的面粉和糖,姜饼女巫可以花费8小时,利用她的锅免费将其魔宠回复至完全健康,除非魔宠被摧毁,此时必须遵从通用规则来替换魔宠。姜饼女巫不能获得进阶魔宠。这调整了女巫魔宠。
大锅烹饪(Cauldron Cook,[Ex]):姜饼女巫在1级时获得魔釜和嗅童巫术。在她利用魔釜炼制药剂时,她可以制作与寻常的药剂效果和用途完全一致的糖果、糕点或者类似的食物。10级时,她获得烹人巫术。这替换了1级和10级时获得的巫术.
诱惑巫术(Tricky Treats Hex,[Sp]):4级时,姜饼女巫习得了一种独特的巫术。她可以花费一个整轮动作制造一块糖果或类似的甜食。如果这种甜食被女巫自己或制造时指定的一个生物食用,这块甜食的效果将等同于神莓或万灵秘药(制造时指定)。
甜点魔术(Confection Conjuring,[Sp]):8级时,作为一种类法术能力,姜饼女巫可以使用幽影咒法术。她所召唤的物品和生物看起来是由奇幻的食物制成的,故而目标生物在拒绝相信这些错觉的意志鉴定上获得+2的加值。但是,其他的效果和一般的幽影咒法术相同。8级后的每3级,姜饼女巫可以模仿更高1环的咒法系 (创造) 或咒法系 (召唤) 法术,直到20级可以模拟最高7环的法术(尽管仍然只有20%的真实性)。每4级姜饼女巫每天可以使用本能力1次。这替换了8级时获得的巫术
骇人吞噬(Gruesome Gobbler,[Ex]):12级时,一个中体型的姜饼女巫得到了一种造成1d6点伤害的啮咬攻击。使用一个整轮动作,她可以用一个啮咬攻击造成双倍的伤害(对于中体型女巫是2d6)并且如同她进行了一个攫抓和活吞攻击,允许她攫抓和活吞一个体型与她相当或更小的体型。她的胃不会对吞下的生物造成伤害,但任何被她吞下的生物都必须在它的每个行动轮开始时通过一个强韧豁免(DC为10+1/2女巫等级+体质调整值),否则会反胃一轮。
极度饥饿(Horrible Hunger,[Sp]):16级时,姜饼女巫可以如对其使用了尘埃之宴APG般影响一个目标,但使用她的巫术DC代替原本法术的DC。这种饥饿是如此的强烈,以至于任何生物可以用一个标准动作为目标提供食物时这名生物必须吃下它,如同这名生物提供的食物被释放了诱人赠礼APG(DC和施法者等级与女巫的巫术相同)。每4个女巫等级每天可以使用这个能力1次。这替换了16级时获得的巫术。
劇透 -   :
Gingerbread Witch
Source Horror Adventures pg. 72
A sweet tooth lures the gingerbread witch’s victims to doom.

Gingerbread Familiar (Ex): A gingerbread witch concocts her familiar out of gingerbread, sugar, and other confections. It has the shape of the original animal or vermin, but its type changes to construct. As a construct, it gains 60-foot darkvision and construct immunities, it loses any special abilities the animal or vermin has other than movement speed, and it doesn’t provide the usual familiar benefit (for instance, a gingerbread toad doesn’t provide 3 bonus hit points). With a supply of flour and sugar at hand, the gingerbread witch can spend 8 hours and use her cauldron to restore her familiar to full health at no cost, unless the familiar is destroyed, in which case she must follow the usual rules for replacing her familiar. A gingerbread witch can never gain an improved familiar.

This ability alters familiar.

Cauldron Cook (Ex): A gingerbread witch gains the cauldron and child-scentUM hexes at 1st level. When brewing potions with her cauldron, she can create small candies, pastries, or similar edible items identical in effect and application to normal potions. At 10th level, she gains the cook peopleUM hex.

This ability replaces the hexes gained at 1st and 10th levels.

Tricky Treats Hex (Sp): At 4th level, a gingerbread witch learns a unique hex that lets her create a piece of candy or a similar sweet as a full-round action. If eaten by the witch or a single creature she designates when she creates it, the sweet functions as goodberry or a polypurpose panaceaUM (as determined at creation).

Anyone else that eats the sweet becomes nauseated (Fortitude negates); a creature nauseated by the sweet can attempt a new saving throw each round at the end of its turn to end this effect. A creature that fails its initial save is also affected as per the scarUM hex for a number of days equal to the witch’s witch level, except that at extended range, the witch can use only harmful hexes on the creature. She can create a number of sweets each day equal to her Intelligence modifier + her level. These sweets retain their potency for 24 hours and then turn to crumbs.

This ability replaces the hex gained at 4th level.

Confection Conjuring (Sp): At 8th level, a gingerbread witch can use shadow conjuration as a spell-like ability. Items and creatures she conjures appear to be made of fanciful foodstuffs, and because of this, sentient creatures gain a +2 bonus on Will saves to disbelieve the illusion. However, they otherwise function as described for the shadow conjuration spell. For every 3 witch levels beyond 8th, the gingerbread witch can duplicate conjuration (creation) and conjuration (summoning) spells of 1 level higher, up to a maximum of 7th-level spell effects at 20th level (though they are still only 20% real). The witch can use this ability once per day for every 4 witch levels she has.

This ability replaces the hex gained at 8th level.

Gruesome Gobbler (Ex): At 12th level, a gingerbread witch gains a bite attack that deals 1d6 points of damage for a Medium witch. As a full-round action, she can make a single bite attack that deals double base damage (2d6 for a Medium witch) and functions as if she had the grab and swallow whole special attacks, allowing her to grab and swallow a creature of her size or smaller. Her stomach doesn’t deal damage to swallowed creatures, but a living creature she swallows must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + 1/2 her witch level + Constitution modifier) at the beginning of each of its turns or become nauseated for 1 round.

If a gingerbread witch successfully swallows a creature, her torso distends grotesquely and she is treated as if she were carrying a heavy load if the creature is the same size and a medium load if it’s one size smaller; regardless, she can swallow only one such creature at a time. Creatures two or more sizes smaller do not distend her belly, though every four creatures of a smaller size count as one creature one size category larger (she can swallow 4 Tiny, 16 Diminutive, or 64 Fine creatures). She can regurgitate a swallowed creature of her choice as a move action, leaving it prone in an adjacent open square. If she is struck with a confirmed critical hit while she has a creature swallowed, the swallowed creatures each take half as much damage as the witch does (this doesn’t reduce the damage the gingerbread witch takes).

This ability replaces the hex gained at 12th level.

Horrible Hunger (Sp): At 16th level, a gingerbread witch can affect a target as if she had cast feast of ashesAPG on it, but with her hex DC instead of the spell’s DC. This hunger is so intense that any creature can offer the target food as a standard action and the target is compelled to eat it, as if the creature offering it had cast beguiling giftAPG (with a DC and caster level equal to that of the witch’s hexes). She can use this ability once per day for every 4 witch levels she has.

This ability replaces the hex gained at 16th level.
« 上次编辑: 2020-12-29, 周二 17:02:10 由 一度热茶 »

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Re: 【HA】姜饼女巫(Gingerbread Witch)【女巫变体】
« 回帖 #1 于: 2020-12-29, 周二 15:22:42 »

离线 阿贝里昂

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Re: 【HA】姜饼女巫(Gingerbread Witch)【女巫变体】
« 回帖 #2 于: 2020-12-29, 周二 16:01:40 »
格林童话里传统的女巫和糖果屋 :lol:


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Re: 【HA】姜饼女巫(Gingerbread Witch)【女巫变体】
« 回帖 #3 于: 2020-12-29, 周二 17:01:23 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due

离线 阿贝里昂

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Re: 【HA】姜饼女巫(Gingerbread Witch)【女巫变体】
« 回帖 #4 于: 2020-12-29, 周二 19:14:27 »
遗憾没给女巫等级代替BAB和智力代替力量决定擒抱CMB的能力,以女巫那点CMB想抱住人吞下过于困难,而且能力来的也太晚了 :(

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Re: 【HA】姜饼女巫(Gingerbread Witch)【女巫变体】
« 回帖 #5 于: 2020-12-29, 周二 19:38:55 »
« 上次编辑: 2020-12-29, 周二 19:47:02 由 希尔 »

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Re: 【HA】姜饼女巫(Gingerbread Witch)【女巫变体】
« 回帖 #6 于: 2020-12-30, 周三 10:10:00 »