作者 主题: 生于死者:模板-半亡灵/抵死触者(施工中)  (阅读 22035 次)

副标题: 龙杂313/60-66页——by Trent Troop, Dragon #313越活越难受

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« 于: 2019-12-27, 周五 23:07:58 »
Born of Death生于死者Half-Undead And Their Kin半亡灵与他们的亲族
by Trent Troop, Dragon #313
劇透 -   :

非原文内容译者注:发行于2003年11月的龙杂313该文可能有一定程度对应着此前发行于2002年03月29日的美国类dnd战棋电脑游戏英雄无敌四(Heroes of Might and Magic IV,简称H4)的高人气悲剧人物-死亡阵营战役主角死灵法师半生者高铎斯King Gauldoth Half-Dead(半生者的译名很难不让人想起97年的电影半生缘/张爱玲原著),私认为是典型的衍生作品倒逼主体文化的典型。某第三方网站也出现了可能是3.5e中Half-Dead这一种族。


  她抱着的那个婴儿,除了瘦削的身材,和黄色的双眼外简直和人类婴儿一模一样! 我认为我在这个小生物体内侦测到了一个微弱如摇曳烛火般明灭不定的魂魄,随着对棚圈的靠近,它变得越来越强。而我的魔法很快确认了我的直觉所曾告诉我的,它是活生生的!”

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From the journal of Bozred Zelkinth, a necromancer of no small renown. comes the following account of a new and terrible kind of creature.

  The warriors I had hired managed to subdue and capture a number of ghouls for my studies. Of the twelve that they brought in-all presumably of human stock-nine were female and three were male. The leader of the mercenaries assured me that the ghouls had come from a single pack, and that they had been captured with minimal damage, although four others had perished in the encounter.
  Not long after I had purchased the ghouls, I noted their subservience to a particular female. She was the largest of the twelve and seemed somewhat more cunning than the others. It was apparent that she consumed a greater share of the food than the others, since she was stockier than her brethren and had a large, heavy stomach. Two weeks later, I awoke to find two of the ghouls dead and half-eaten in the enclosure. The female had evidently destroyed two of her own, presumably to get a greater share of the evening meal, and had devoured large portions of their bodies immediately afterward. While this development fascinated me, the ghouls were expensive beasts, and I didn't want to lose any more. I moved her to a separate pen rather than have my property damaged further.
  Three weeks later. the entire sanctum was awakened by a horrible howling in the holding area. Pausing only long enough to gather my apprentices, I rushed to the basement to discover the female lying injured in her pen. Thick ichor stained the floor of the enclosure, and she was curled in a fetal position, howling as though in great agony. A quick count of the beasts in the first enclosure revealed that none of the others had escaped. As I approached the female, I saw that she was cradling a small bundle in her distended, apelike arms.
  The thing she held resembled a human baby, except for its gaunt build and yellow eyes. I thought I detected a faint, flickering essence within the little creature, and it grew stronger as approached the pen. My spells soon confirmed what my instincts had told me. It was alive!

被亡灵的污化所感染的造物有两种形式:半亡灵和抵死触者/亡染者。 半亡灵是亡灵类生物的直接后裔,而抵死触者/亡染者则是从他们亡灵先辈之中剔除的后代。



劇透 -   :
Under normal circumstances, crossbreeding the living with the undead is impossible. Necromancy and accidents of fate, however, can produce extremely unusual mixtures at life and unlife.

Creatures touched with the taint at undeath come in two forms: half-undead and deathtouched. Half-undead are direct descendants of undead creatures, while deathtouched are generations removed from their undead progenitors.

Both sorts at creatures are presented below for DMs and players who would like to breathe a bit more unlife into their campaigns. A half-undead template is offered for each of the most common kinds of half-undead, and the mortif deathtouched is presented as a new monster, similar to the planetouched, with the necessary information for use as a player character.

Sample Half-Undead: Gheden Half-Orc Barbarian
当一个生物的母亲在怀孕时变成吸血鬼,食尸鬼或尸妖时,会产生大多数半亡灵。 其他原因则是,各种各样的可怕诅咒,拙劣(到只能说“抱歉”botched)的复活,死灵法师实验或黑暗诸神的干预。不论它们如何起源,半亡灵都是存在于活人与死者之间的灰色地带的造物,它们虽然活着,却因非生者的污化而受到诅咒。
到目前为止,已经碰巧发现了四种半亡灵,每种半亡灵都是从一种特殊的不死生物中衍生出来的:刀牙裔(半吸血鬼),柩甸裔(半僵尸),食尸裔(半食尸鬼)和浮灵裔(半幽灵) 。

非原文内容译者附:刀牙裔katane,该词发音类似于日语Katana(武士)刀。有可能是一定程度受到美漫漫威电影Blade刀锋战士系列、日本小说家菊地秀行1982年首次发表【吸血鬼猎人D】,2000年出的相关电影版和押井守参与的动漫电影-最后的吸血鬼 BLOOD THE LAST VAMPIRE (2000)的影响。柩甸裔gheden,该词似乎来自战锤40000的太空死灵族尼基拉赫王朝王冠世界gheden基登,eden是伊甸(园)的意思,另外圣经士师记中以色列人有个士师/军事领袖叫Gideon/ Gedeon基甸。食尸裔ghul来自阿拉伯语,与食尸鬼ghoul同义。浮灵裔fetch则来自于17世纪晚期的英语,传说中是活人的鬼魂或双重身(奇幻文学中的双身人),传统上据信是一个人正逼近死亡的警示。fetches ,the apparition or double of a living person, formerly believed to be a warning of that person's impending death.

劇透 -   :
Most half-undead are created when a creature's mother is transformed into a vampire, ghoul, or wight while pregnant. Others result from dread curses, botched resurrections, necromancers' experiments, or the intervention of dark gods. Regardless of their origins, half-undead are shunned creatures that exist in the gray area between the living and the dead - alive but cursed with the taint of unlife.

Four kinds of half-undead have been encountered thus far, each derived from a particular sort of undead stock: katanes (half-vampires), gheden (half-zombies), ghuls (half-ghouls), and fetch (half-ghosts). Each has its own special powers and weaknesses, although all share certain half-undead traits (see sidebar).

  半亡灵往往是面容憔悴,脸色苍白的类人存在;有着令人不安的粗鲁举止或令人难忘的出尘之美,这取决于它们的种类。 他们中有些人充满仇恨和自我厌恶,被迫拼命地去追捕各自的“亲族”,来让它们为自己的诞生的“糟”遇赎罪。 其他成员则拥抱自己的天性,成为弱者和无辜者的灾难之源。 半亡灵有一定机率转而冒险,因为它们往往不适合正常社会。 邪恶诸神把他们看做神职人员,并竭尽所能地引诱邪恶的半亡灵加入它们的神职队伍。
半亡灵可以选择任何职业,但他们倾向于避开圣武士职业。(非原文内容圣武士往往倾向守序善良,亡灵单位往往天性混乱邪恶)柩甸裔倾向于成为斗士和野蛮人,因为他们对痛觉感受不灵敏,这使他们在战斗领域卓有成效。浮灵裔往往会成为神职人员和术士,而刀牙裔和食尸裔并没有表现出特别的职业偏好。 半亡灵角色保留了基础生物的偏好职业。
劇透 -   :
Half-Undead Characters
Half-undead tend to be gaunt, pale beings with disturbingly feral mannerisms or haunting, unearthly beauty, depending on their kind. Some of them, filled with hate and self-loathing, are driven to hunt their own "kin" in a desperate effort to atone for the circumstances of their births. Others embrace their natures and become the bane of the weak and innocent. The half-undead turn to adventuring with some frequency, since they tend not to fit in with normal society. Evil gods value them as clerics and go out of their way to lure evil half-undead into their priesthoods.

Half-undead can choose any class, although they tend to shy away from paladinhood. Ghedens tend to become fighters and barbarians because their inability to feel pain makes them unusually effective on the battlefield. Fetch tend to become clerics and sorcerers, and katanes and ghuls show no particular class preferences. A half-undead character retains the favored class of the base creature.
  每种半亡灵生物都作为模板被呈现于此,可以应用于任何巨型,类人动物或变种的类人动物。 除非另有说明,否则他们会使用所有基础生物的属性数值和特殊能力。如果有哪种属性减值被指定,则最小值为1。
劇透 -   :
Half-Undead Templates
Each kind of half-undead is presented here as a template that can be applied to any giant, humanoid, or monstrous humanoid creature. They use all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted. Where ability score decreases are indicated, the minimum score is 1.


亡灵召唤(Ex):   当半亡灵死后,按每个生命骰加3%的机率,它将复苏成一只完全与它亡灵亲代同种的亡灵类生物。
黑暗视觉(Ex):   半亡灵获得60英尺范围的黑暗视觉。如果基础生物已经有了黑暗视觉,(视野)范围变得更远(增加60英尺)。
侦查(Ex):     就使用侦测亡灵的法术和效果(例如侦测亡灵)而言,半亡灵会被视为亡灵生物。就灵气强度而言,半亡灵依它的生命骰HD的半
防御强化(Ex):   对半亡灵打出致命一击或偷袭时,有50%的机率使致命一击或偷袭失效,那伤害骰就会替换成普通(伤害)骰投掷。 如果半亡灵
免疫能量吸取(Ex): 半亡灵免疫能量吸取攻击。
死灵化生命(Ex):  在被各种负能量属性的法术或特殊效果造成生命点伤害时(如各种造成X伤法术),即使当次豁免失败,半亡灵只受一半伤害,如
延缓老化(Ex):   一到性成熟/成年后,半亡灵的老化速度就只有基础生物的四分之一。
劇透 -   :
非原文内容译者注: 我见到的大部分非负面模板能活100年左右的人形生物,成年都不超过总寿命的1/3,往往越早熟的(寿命一般越短)和越长寿的
感化同类(Ex):   半亡灵牧师在驱散、呵斥、命令command或支持bolster它的血脉祖系的亡灵类生物时,在该项检定时获得+2加值。
劇透 -   :
译者注:      turn check原译作感化检定,这里考虑音译,译作度化(超度/转化)。善牧驱散亡灵(畏缩/驱退/摧毁)、邪牧呵斥亡灵(敬
圣水易伤(Ex):   圣水会烫伤半亡灵的血肉,被圣水瓶直接命中会受到1d4的伤害。
易受度化(Ex):   任何瞄准半亡灵的驱散/呵斥亡灵投骰,若结果本可以驱退/斥退同等生命骰亡灵的,则该半亡灵在各攻击骰,各豁免、技能、属
不死豁免:       半亡灵在对抗恐惧,毒药,疾病,麻痹和死灵系法术的豁免检定中+2种族加值。
劇透 -   :
Half-Undead Traits
All four kinds of half-undead have the following traits in common.

Call of Undeath (Ex): There is a 3% chance per Hit Die that, upon a half-undead's death, it will rise as a full undead creature of its undead progenitor's kind.

Darkvision (Ex): A half-undead gains darkvision with a range of 60 feet. If the base creature already had darkvision, use the greater range.

Detection (Ex): Half-undead register as undead creatures for the purposes of spells and effects that detect undead (such as detect undead). A half-undead counts as half its HD for the purposes of aura strength.

Fortification (Ex): When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on the half-undead, there is a 50% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated, and damage is instead rolled normally. If a half-undead wears magic armor with any form of the fortification quality, use the better percentage value.

Immunity to Energy Drain (Ex): A half-undead is immune to energy drain attacks.

Necrotic Life (Ex): Even on a failed save, a half-undead suffers only half damage from spells and effects that deal hit point damage due to negative energy, such as inflict spells, and with a successful save, a half-undead suffers no damage.

Slow Aging (Ex): Upon reaching maturity, a half-undead ages at one-fourth of the base creature's normal rate.

Turn Kind (Ex): A half-undead cleric gains a +2 bonus on checks made to turn, rebuke, command, or bolster undead creatures of its ancestral kind.

Vulnerability to Holy Water (Ex): Holy water scalds the flesh of a half-undead, dealing 1d4 points of damage per direct hit with a flask.

Vulnerability to Turning (Ex): Any turning attempt targeting the half-undead that would turn or rebuke an undead of the half-undead's HD imposes a -4 penalty on the half-undead's attacks, saves, skill checks, and ability checks. This effect lasts for 10 rounds or until the creature that turned or rebuked the half-undead attacks the half-undead. A turn attempt that would destroy or command an undead of equivalent Hit Dice instead stuns a half-undead for 2d4 rounds.

Saves: A half-undead creature gains a +2 racial bonus on saves against fear, poison, disease, paralysis, and spells from the necromancy school.

创造星质/冥质(Create Ectoplasm)
劇透 -   :

  在半亡灵族中,浮灵裔是最不常见的,因为有形之物与以太之灵的混血儿是逻辑学的噩梦。 当众神允许一个女人怀着已故所爱之魂的孩子时,一些浮灵裔诞生了。其他一些是幽魂、幽灵或其他无形体的亡灵,它们已经用有缺陷的魔法复苏重生。
  无论各自是如何起源的,浮灵裔都是强大而脆弱的生物,它们在战斗中往往更多地依靠自己的特殊能力而非身体上的不凡之处。 许多人体弱多病得如此严重,几乎需要家人或朋友一直不断的照顾。
劇透 -   :
Fetch are the least common of the half-undead, since the blending of the corporeal with the ethereal is a logistical nightmare. Some fetch are born when the gods allow a woman to carry the child of her deceased love's spirit. Others are ghosts. spectres, or other incorporeal undead who were restored to life with flawed magic.

Whatever their origins, fetch are powerful yet frail creatures that tend to rely more on their special powers than on physical prowess in combat. Many become so sickly that they require almost constant care from family or friends.

A fetch resembles a sorrowful human with hair, skin, and eyes of a nearly transparent white, blue, or ash-gray color. A typical fetch appears sickly and physically weak and speaks in a soft, melodious voice.
速度:         一个浮灵裔能以30英尺的速度进行完美的机动飞行。
特殊攻击:       浮灵裔会保留基础生物的所有特殊攻击,并获得如下所述的那些攻击。
心灵遥控(Sp):   每回合一次,一个浮灵裔可以使用心灵遥控,其施法者等级等于浮灵裔的总生命骰HD。
乏力凝视(Su):   浮灵裔可以用一次凝视使一个对手乏力。 满足凝视要求的任何生物都必须成功进行一次意志豁免(DC 10+浮灵裔的总生命骰的一
             半+浮灵裔的魅力调整值),否则将在接下来的10分钟内被战栗。 一次成功的豁免会使此生物在24小时内免疫该浮灵裔的凝视。
特性:         浮灵裔具有基础生物所有的特性,和对所有半亡灵那些共有的种族特性(见半亡灵种族特性)还具有以下特性。
侦测虚体亡灵(Sp): 一个浮灵裔可随意侦测任何形式的虚体亡灵。 这种能力的使用类似于侦测亡灵法术(施法者等级等效于浮灵裔的生命骰HD),但
劇透 -   :
Speed: A fetch can fly with perfect maneuverability at a speed of 30 feet.
Special Attacks: A fetch retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains those described below.
Telekinesis (Sp): Once every and rounds, a fetch can use telekinesis as a caster of a level equal to the fetch's total HD.
Unnerving Gaze (Su): A fetch can unnerve an opponent with a glance. Any living being that meets its gaze must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + one-half the fetch's total Hit Dice + the fetch's Charisma modifier) or be shaken for the next 10 minutes. A successful save renders a creature immune to that fetch's gaze for 24 hours.
Special Qualities: A fetch has all the special qualities at the base creature and those common to all half-undead (see the Half-Undead Traits) also has the following special qualities.
Detect Incorporeal Undead (Sp): At will, a fetch can detect any form of incorporeal undead. This ability works like the detect undead spell (caster level equals fetch's HD) but it only detects incorporeal undead.
幽魂形态(Su):   一个浮灵裔可以创造一个能够自由出行并参与战斗的灵体。 该功能每天只能使用一次,并且需要一次全回合动作启动。在下一回
             可以掌握的物品。摧毁幽魂形态会立即将浮灵裔的灵体回归其肉身,并以使用幽魂形态能力时的每一分钟时间治疗1点伤害。 除
免疫(Ex):      浮灵裔免疫属性伤害,属性吸收和幽灵的特殊攻击。
劇透 -   :
Ghost Form (Su): A fetch can create a spirit body capable of traveling about freely and engaging in combat. This ability is usable once per day and requires a full round action.
At the beginning of the following round the fetch's body lies in a comatose state while a shimmering, incorporeal duplicate of it moves about freely. This ghost form glows with an eerie light whose color corresponds to the fetch's alignment - evil fetch glow crimson, neutral fetch glow a sickly green shade, and good fetch glow electric blue. The ghost form has access to all of the fetches special abilities, skills, spells and feats, but it has no weapons or equipment and can use only items that an incorporeal creature can handle. Destroying the ghost form returns the fetch's spirit to its body immediately and heals 1 point of damage for each minute that it used it ghost form ability. Otherwise, the fetch can remain in ghost form indefinitely or return to its body as a full-round action.

Immunities (Ex): A fetch is immune to ability damage, ability drain, and the special attacks of ghosts.
非自然光环(Su):  无论是野生动物还是家养动物,都可以在15英尺的距离上感知到幽魂浮灵裔的非自然存在。它们不会乐于靠近那个地方,如果被
属性:         在基础生物上作出如下改变:力量-2,敏捷+2,体质-2,魅力+2。
技能:         浮灵裔在潜行/无声移动检定上获得+4种族加值
组织:         单独,小队(2-4正常基础生物和浮灵裔),或狩猎队(2-8正常基础生物和2-4浮灵裔)。
挑战等级CR:     基础生物等级+1
等级调整LA:     基础生物等级+5
劇透 -   :
Unnatural Aura (Su): Animals, both wild and domesticated, can sense the unnatural presence of a fetch at a distance of 15 feet. They will not willingly approach nearer than that and panic if forced to do so; they remain panicked as long as they are within that range.

Abilities: Change from the base creature as follows: Str -2, Dex +2, Con -2, Cha +2.

Skills: A fetch gains a +4 racial bonus on Move Silently checks.

Organization: Solitary, gang (2-4 normal base creatures and fetch), or party (2-8 normal base creatures and 2-4 fetches).

Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +1.

Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature +5.

劇透 -   :
等级:术/法 5级
距离:远距(400英尺+ 40英尺/级)

猛力投掷/猛烈发力:相对应转换,法术能量可以在单轮被耗尽。 角色可以向在10英尺/等级范围之内的任何目标,投掷该范围内彼此距离目标在10英尺之内的一个/多个物体/生物。人物可以投掷到25磅/施法者等级总重的物体(最多15个)。该角色必须使用其基本攻击加值+其智力调整值(如果是法师)或魅力调整值(如果是术士),才能在攻击掷骰成功(每掷出一个生物或物体投骰一次)用各物击中目标。各武器造成标准伤害(没有力量加成)。(法术大全:在用这种方法使用箭和矢时,它们的伤害等同于同等型号的匕首。) 其他物体造成的伤害范围为1到1d6点伤害/25磅(法术大全:15级时达到最高值最大375磅)。
Level:   Sor/Wiz 5
Components:   V, S
Casting time:   1 action
Range:   Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Targets:   See text
Duration:   Concentration (up to 1 round/level) or instantaneous (see text)
Saving Throw:   Will negates (object)(see text)
Spell Resistance:   Yes (object) (see text)
The character moves objects or creatures by concentrating on them. Depending on the version selected, the spell can provide either a gentle, sustained force or a single short, violent thrust.

Sustained Force: A sustained force moves a creature or object weighing up to 25 pounds per caster level up to 20 feet per round. A creature can negate the effect against itself or against an object it possesses with a successful Will save or with SR.
This version of the spell lasts up to 1 round per caster level, but it ends if the character ceases concentration. The weight can be moved vertically, horizontally, or both. An object cannot be moved beyond the character's range. The spell ends if the object is forced beyond the range. If the character ceases concentration for any reason, the object falls or stops.

An object can be telekinetically manipulated as if with one hand. The character might even be able to untie simple knots, though delicate activities such as these require Intelligence checks against a DC set by the DM.

Violent Thrust: Alternatively, the spell energy can be expended in a single round. The character can hurl one or more objects or creatures who are within range and all within 10 feet of each other toward any target within 10 feet/level of all the objects. The character can hurl up to a total weight of 25 pounds per caster level.

The character must succeed at attack rolls (one per creature or object thrown) to hit the target with the items, using the character's base attack bonus + the character's Intelligence modifier. Weapons cause standard damage (with no Strength bonus). Other objects cause damage ranging from 1 point per 25 pounds to 1d6 points of damage per 25 pounds.

Creatures who fall within the weight capacity of the spell can be hurled, but they are allowed Will saves to negate the effect, as are those whose held possessions are targeted by the spell. If a telekinesed creature is hurled against a solid surface, it takes damage as if it had fallen 10 feet (1d6 points).
« 上次编辑: 2020-08-29, 周六 22:13:00 由 泰核坦 »

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Re: 模板-半不死生物 (增补)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2019-12-28, 周六 07:05:04 »
  柩甸裔们通过将凡人本质与僵尸,骷髅或其它亡灵族自行傀儡融合而生成。 它们很少在没有死灵法师或邪恶神灵干预的情况下发生,但糟糕(到只能说“抱歉”botched)的复活有时也会把不幸的灵魂以柩甸裔的形态带回。
劇透 -   :
Ghedens are spawned by melding mortal essence with zombies, skeletons, or other undead automatons. They rarely occur without the intervention of a necromancer or evil deity, although botched resurrections sometimes bring the unfortunate soul back as a gheden.

A gheden is a gray, corpse-like being with hollow, black eyes and a distant expression. It often smells of freshly dug earth. Ghedens range from extremely gaunt to think and muscular. They are the least powerful of the half-undead, but their inability to feel pain gives them and edge in combat.
特性:         柩甸裔具有基础生物的所有特性,以及所有半亡灵共有的种族特性(请参阅半亡灵种族特性。还具有以下特性)。
死感神经(Ex):   柩甸裔有着不灵敏的触觉,无法感知疼痛。非致命性伤害,击晕和巨创(身体大面积损伤致死)不会让它受影响。这种感知上的
免疫(Ex):     柩甸裔免疫恐惧和困惑的影响。
属性:         [/b][/color]对基础生物上改变如下:力量+4,敏捷-2,智力-2,魅力-4。
技能:         [/b][/color]柩甸裔的威吓检定获得+4种族加值。
专长:         柩甸裔获得坚忍/耐力,顽强/死硬和健壮作为额外专长。
(译者附:        顽强/死硬DIEHARD专长可以让人在濒死的情况下保持清醒,继续以恍惚的状态行动。吐槽:我觉得我还能抢救一下!!!)
组织:         [/b][/color]单独,小队(2-4普通基础生物和2-4柩甸裔)。
阵营:         通常是中立邪恶。
等级调整:       同基础生物+1。
劇透 -   :
Special Qualities: A gheden has all the special qualities at the base creature and those common all half-undead (see Half-Undead Traits. It also the following special qualities.

Dead Nerves (Ex): A gheden has a weak sense of touch and is incapable of feeling pain. It is unaffected by nonlethal damage, stunning and death by massive damage. This lack of sensation also imposes a -8 penalty on any skill check that involves fine motor control or a sense of touch, such as Open Lock or Sleight of Hand checks, but grants a +4 bonus on Concentration checks provoked by damage.

Detect Mindless Undead (Sp): At will, a gheden can detect any form of mindless undead. This ability works like the detect undead spell (caster level equals gheden's total HD), but it only detects mindless undead.

Immunities (Ex): A gheden is immune to fear and confusion effects.

Abilities: Change from the base creature as follows: Str +4, Dex -2, Int -2, Cha -4.

Skills: Ghedens have a +4 racial bonus on Intimidate checks.

Feats: Ghedens gain Endurance, Diehard, and Toughness as bonus feats.

Organization: Solitary, gange (2-4 normal base creatures and 2-4 ghedens).

Alignment: Often neutral evil.

Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature +1.
半亡灵范例       该样本使用了一个2级半兽人野蛮人作为基础生物

阵营:         混乱中立
先攻:         +1(Dex);
感知:         黑暗视觉60英尺

AC:         15(+1敏捷,+ 4精通鳞甲),碰触11,措手不及14
生命骰:        2D12+5(18hp)
(豁免):       强韧+3,反射-1,意志-1
速度:         40英尺
面宽/触及:      5英尺/5英尺
基础攻击力/擒抱:   +2/+6
攻击:         精通巨斧+7近战;或复合长弓(+6 Str)+1射程
全回合攻击:      精通巨斧+7近战;或复合长弓(+6 Str)+1射程
伤害:         精工巨斧1d12+6/x3;复合长弓1d8+4/x3
特殊攻击/动作:    狂暴1/天(野蛮人自由动作)
属性:         力量19,敏捷-,体质12,智力6,感知9,魅力2
特性:         死感神经,半兽人特性,半亡灵特性,免疫,侦测无心智亡灵,直觉闪避(野蛮人2级)。
专长:         顽强/死硬,坚忍/耐力,健壮,武器专攻(巨斧)
技能:         攀爬+2,威吓+1,跳跃+2和生存+1
进化:         根据人物职业等级
气候/地形:      任何
组织:         单独
宝藏/财产:      标准
阵营:         通常是中立邪恶。
等级调整:       同基础生物+1。


该柩甸裔半兽人野蛮人即使在愤怒中也毫不动摇地投入战斗。 它几乎没有自我意识或自我保护意识,并且会不断攻击,直到没有敌人留下或自己死了。

死感神经(Ex):   柩甸裔有着不灵敏的触觉,无法感知疼痛。非致命性伤害,击晕和巨创(身体大面积损伤致死)不会让它受影响。这种感知上的
免疫(Ex):     柩甸裔免疫恐惧和困惑的影响。
直觉闪避(Ex):   2级起,野蛮人在措手不及时或被不可见的攻击者攻击时依然保留AC上的敏捷加值。不过如果他不能动,他还是会丢掉AC上的敏

劇透 -   :
Gheden 2nd-Level Half-Orc Barbarian* (CR 2)
Medium Humanoid (Half-Orc)
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Initiative: +1 (Dex); Senses: darkvision 60 ft.

AC: 15 (+1 Dex, +4 masterwork scale mail), touch 11, flat-footed 14
Hit Dice: 2d12+5 (18 hp)
Fort +3, Ref -1, Will -1
Speed: 40 ft.
Space: 5 ft./5 ft.
Base Attack +2; Grapple +6
Attack: Masterwork greataxe +7 melee; or composite long bow (+6 Str) +1 ranged
Full Attack: Masterwork greataxe +7 melee; or composite long bow (+6 Str) +1 ranged
Damage: Masterwork greataxe 1d12+6/x3; composite longbow 1d8+4/x3
Special Attacks/Actions: Rage 1/day
Abilities: Str 19, Dex -, Con 12, Int 6, Wis 9, Cha 2
Special Qualities: dead nerves, half-orc traits, half-undead traits, immunities, detect mindless undead, uncanny dodge (Barbarian 2).
Feats: Diehard; Endurance; Toughness; Weapon Focus (greataxe)
Skills: Climb +2, Intimidate +1, Jump +2, and Survival +1
Advancement: By character class
Climate/Terrain: Any
Organization: Solitary
Treasure/Possessions: Standard
Alignment: Often neutral evil.
Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature +1.

Source: Dragon #313

The gheden half-orc barbarian dispassionately charges into battle, even during a rage. It has little sense of self or self-preservation and relentlessly attacks until no foes remain or it is dead.

Dead Nerves (Ex): A gheden has a weak sense of touch and is incapable of feeling pain. It is unaffected by nonlethal damage, stunning and eath by massive damage. This lack of sensation also imposes a -8 penalty on any skill check that involves fine motor control or a sense of touch, such as Open Lock or Sleight of Hand checks, but grants a +4 bonus on Concentration checks provoked by damage.

Detect Mindless Undead (Sp): At will, a gheden can detect any form of mindless undead. This ability works like the detect undead spell (caster level equals gheden's total HD), but it only detects mindless undead.

Immunities (Ex): A gheden is immune to fear and confusion effects.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): The gheden retains its dexterity bonus to AC even if it is caught flat-footed or is struck by and invincible attacker. It still loses its Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.


  食尸裔是令人恐惧的生物。 他们瘦骨嶙峋,几乎瘦脱了形,有着粗糙,坚韧的皮肤。尖锐的牙齿挤满了它们的嘴巴,长长的舌头在黄色的尖牙之间伸了出来。 它们有着黑色、绿色、浅紫色或白垩色的皮肤,没有明显瞳孔的黄色、红色或绿色的眼睛在低光下莹莹发光。 除非食尸鬼经常特别注重洗澡,否则它会散发出腐臭和干血的味道。

攻击:         食尸裔保留基础生物的所有攻击,如果还没有啮咬攻击,则还会获得啮咬攻击。如果基础生物可以使用武器,则食尸裔将保留此
             能力。 用天生武器的生物保留这些武器。 没有武器的食尸裔战斗时使用其啮咬攻击或其主攻天武(如果它有的话)。 武装有武
全回合攻击:      没有武器的食尸裔战斗使用啮咬攻击或天生武器(如果有)。 如果装备了武器,通常会将武器用于主攻,并将啮咬或其它天生武
伤害:         食尸裔有啮咬攻击。如果基础生物无此攻击方式,则根据食尸裔的体型使用下表中的适当伤害。受到啮咬攻击的生物保留其旧伤
劇透 -   :
Ghouls, lacedons, and ghasts occasionally transform expectant mothers into their own kind. In most cases, the child does not survive the change. When it does a ghul is the result. A rare few ghuls survive to adulthood thanks to a protective instinct within their ghoulish mothers. Those raised in the company of ghouls tend to be spiteful and self-loathing, while those who manage to enter human society are often persecuted for their uncouth dietary needs.

Ghuls are fearsome creatures. They are gaunt, almost emaciated, with rough, leathery skin. Sharp teeth fill their mouths and long tongues loll out between yellow fangs. They have black, green, pale purple, or chalk-white skins, and pupil-less yellow, red, or green eyes that glow faintly in low light. Unless a ghul take special care to bathe frequently, it stinks of carrion and dried blood.

Attack: A ghul retains all the attacks of the base creature and also gains a bite attack if it didn't already have one. If the base creature can use weapons, the ghul retains this ability. A creature with natural weapons retains those weapons. A ghul fighting without weapons uses either its bite attack or its primary natural weapon (if it has any). A ghul armed with a weapon uses its bite or a weapon, as it desires.

Full Attack: A ghul fighting without weapons uses either its bite attack or its natural weapons (if it has any). If armed with a weapon, it usually uses the weapon as a primary attack along with a bite or other natural weapon as natural secondary attack.

Damage: Ghuls have bite attacks. If the base creature does not have this attack form, use the appropriate damage from the table below according to the ghul's size. creatures that have a bite attack retain their old damage values or use the appropriate value from the table, whichever is better.
体 型          啮咬伤害
超微型          1
微 型          1d2
超小型          1d3
小 型          1d4
中 型          1d6
大 型          1d8
超大型          2d6
巨 型          2d8
超巨型          4d6
特殊攻击:       食尸裔保留了基础生物的所有特殊攻击,并且还具有以下特殊攻击。
麻痹(Ex):     每生命骰一次/天,一名食尸裔能在使用徒手攻击或啮咬攻击时附加麻痹。 对手必须进行一次强韧检定(DC10+1/2食尸裔的生命
             骰HD+食尸裔的魅力调整值),否则将被麻痹1d4 + 1分钟。精灵族免疫该麻痹能力。(译者提醒下,食尸鬼的麻痹是1d4+1轮,
特性:         食尸裔具有基础生物的所有特性,以及所有半亡灵所共有的特性(请参见半亡灵种族特性)。 它们还具有以下特性。
怖世/惧生饥肠(音): 食尸裔的消化系统仅用于消化腐肉,而将其它食物排除在外。食尸裔能吞食生的或腐烂到任意程度的食物,而无副作用。食尸裔
             渴求智慧生物的血肉,尤其是他们的生前血亲。 这种饥饿欲每六天高涨一次,可以进行DC15的意志豁免来消除。 每次成功的豁
             免都能推迟该饥饿欲一天。 如果食尸裔豁免失败,则必须在第二天月夜之前吃掉相当于自己十分之一体重份量的智慧生物的生肉
译者评:        因爱故生忧,因爱故生怖/惧,若离于爱者,无忧亦无怖。另外鱼肉也是生肉,也不知鲸鱼类和章鱼类算不算智慧生物
劇透 -   :
Size   Bite Damage
Fine             1
Diminutive      1d2
Tiny             1d3
Small           1d4
Medium        1d6
Large           1d8
Huge            2d6
Gargantuan   2d8
Colossal        4d6
Special Attacks: A ghul retains all the special attacks of the base creature and also has the following special attack.

Paralysis (Ex): A ghul can inflict paralysis with an unarmed strike or bite attack once per day per Hit Die. The opponent must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 ghul's HD + ghul's Charisma modifier or be paralyzed for 1d4+1 minutes. Elves are immune to this paralysis.

Special Qualities: A ghul has all the special qualities of the base creature and those common to all half-undead (see the Half-Undead Traits). They also have the following special qualities.

Gruesome Hunger (Ex): The digestive system of a ghul is designed to digest carrion to the exclusion of all else. Ghuls can devour raw or putrefied food at any stage of decay without ill effect. Ghuls hunger for the flesh of intelligent creatures, especially that of their mortal kin. This hunger rises every six days and can be fought off with a DC 15 Will save. Each successful save staves off the hunger for another day. A ghul that fails this save must eat a quantity of raw or rotten flesh of an intelligent creature equal to one-tenth its weight before moonrise of the next day, or be sickened until it has eaten half its weight in rotten or raw meat from an intelligent creature within 24 hours.
免疫(Ex):     食尸裔对疾病和饮食摄入的毒物具有免疫力。在对抗其他种类的毒药时,它获得+4种族加值。 基于气味的攻击(例如臭云术或妖
属性:         对基础生物改变如下:力量+2,敏捷+4,智慧+4,魅力+2。
技能:         食尸裔在攀爬,躲藏,跳跃和潜行/无声移动时获得+2种族加值。
环境:         任意,通常与基础生物相同。
组织:         单独,小队(2-4个普通基础生物和1个食尸裔;或2-4个食尸鬼和1个食尸裔),或狩猎队(2-8个普通基础生物和2-4个食尸裔;
挑战等级:       基础生物+1。
阵营:         通常是混乱邪恶。
等级调整:       基础生物+3
劇透 -   :
Immunities (Ex): A ghul has immunity to disease and ingested poisons. It gains a +4 racial bonus on saves against poisons of other kinds. Odor-based attacks, such as the stinking cloud spell or a ghast's stench ability, have no affect on a ghul. Ghuls are invulnerable to paralysis inflicted by ghouls, lacedons, ghasts, or other ghuls.
Abilities: Change from the base creature as follows: Str +2, Dex +4, Wis +4, Cha +2.
Skills: Ghuls have a +2 racial bonus on Climb, Hide, Jump and Move Silently.
Environment: Any, usually same as base creature.
Organization: Solitary, gang (2-4 normal base creatures and 1 ghul; or 2-4 ghouls and 1 ghul), or party (2-8 normal base creatures and 2-4 ghuls; or 2-8 ghouls, 1-2 ghasts and 2-4 ghuls).
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +1.
Alignment: Often chaotic evil.
Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature +3.
« 上次编辑: 2020-08-29, 周六 21:42:24 由 泰核坦 »

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Re: 模板-半亡灵 (增补)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2019-12-28, 周六 14:11:31 »
特殊攻击:       刀牙裔会保留基础生物的所有特殊攻击,并获得如下所述的那些攻击。
血液吸取(Ex):   就像其亡灵亲代一样,刀牙裔可以借助成功地作一次擒抱检定,用其尖牙从仍活着的受害者身上吸取血液。如果刀牙裔它成功压
劇透 -   :
Katane (Half-Vampire)
Cursed with a thirst for living blood and possessed of awful powers befitting creatures of the night, katanes are some of the more common half-undead. The human-like appearance and social behavior of vampires and their spawn result in ample opportunities for half-breed creation, and some vampires retain enough human sentiment to care for the child, improving the katane's chances of survival.

Katanes are pale and slender, with jet-black hair and red, black, green, or yellow eyes. They have pronounced canines that extend for feeding and slightly pointed ears. Some of the less fortunate (those with a Charisma score of 7 or below) have batlike features.

Special Attacks: A katane retains all the special attacks of the base creature and also has the following special attacks.

Blood Drain (Ex): Much like its undead progenitor, a katane can drain blood from a living victim with its fangs by making a successful grapple check. If it pins the foe, it drains blood dealing 1d4 points of Constitution drain each round the pin is maintained. On each such successful attack, the katane gains 5 temporary hit points.

魅惑人类(Sp):   刀牙裔能一对一借助凝视锁定对方来影响类人生物,该能力运作如同名法术能力(施法者等级等于刀牙裔的总HD)。此能力的豁
特性:         刀牙裔具有基础生物的所有特性,以及所有半亡灵所共有的特性(请参见半亡灵种族特性)。 它们还具有以下特性。
渴血成瘾(Ex):   刀牙裔可以靠食用正常的食物生存,但他们同样如此渴求活物的鲜血。该渴求欲每三天高涨一次,可以进行DC15的意志豁免来消
伤害减免(Su):   刀牙裔的伤害减免为5/银。
免疫(Ex):     刀牙裔不受吸血鬼(血脉先祖)的统治,也免受其完整亡灵族的弱点。
阳光过敏(Ex):   刀牙裔在明亮的阳光下或在日光法术的半径范围内被目眩。
能量抗力(Ex):   刀牙裔拥有5点寒冷和电击抗力。
劇透 -   :
Charm Person (Sp): A katane can influence a humanoid creature by locking gazes with it. This functions as a charm person spell (caster level equals katane's total Hit Dice). The save DC of this ability is 10 + katane's Hit Dice + katane's Charisma bonus. The katane can use this ability a number of times per day equal to its Charisma bonus (if any, minimum 1 time per day).

Special Qualities: A katane has all the special qualities of the base creature and those common to all half-undead (see Half-Undead). They also have the following special qualities.

Blood Hunger (Ex): Katanes are able to survive on normal food, but nevertheless they hunger for the blood of the living. This hunger rises every three days and can be fought off with a DC 15 Will save. Each successful save staves off the hunger for another day. A katane that fails this save must drain blood from a creature before sunrise of the next day or take a -1 moral penalty on attacks, checks and saves; this penalty increases by -1 each additional day the katane goes without draining blood. Once the katane has dealt 1d4 points of Constitution damage to a living creature, the penalties disappear and are not incurred again provided the katane drains blood every three days.

Damage Reduction (Su): A katane has damage reduction 5/silver.

Immunities (Ex): Katanes are invulnerable to vampires' domination and suffer none of the weaknesses of their fully undead kin.

Light Sensitivity (Ex): Katanes are dazzled in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.

Resistances (Ex): A katane has resistance to cold 5 and electricity 5.

感知吸血鬼(Su):  刀牙裔可以感知其他刀牙裔,吸血鬼,吸血鬼衍体以及任何其他以200英尺内的鲜血为食的亡灵生物的存在。 此能力仅允许刀牙
蛛行(Ex):     刀牙裔可以像是被施展了蛛行术一样在墙面上爬行
属性:         对基础生物调整值如下:力量+2,敏捷+2,魅力+2。
技能:         刀牙裔在唬骗,躲藏,潜行和侦察上有+4种族加值。
专长:         刀牙裔获得精通先攻(IMPROVED INITIATIVE)作为奖励专长
环境:         与基础生物相同。
组织:         单独,小队(2-4个普通基础生物和1个刀牙裔;或2-4个吸血鬼和1个刀牙裔),或狩猎队(2-8个普通基础生物和2-4个刀牙裔;
挑战等级CR:     基础生物+1。
阵营:         通常是混乱邪恶。
等级调整LA:     基础生物+4。
劇透 -   :
Sense Vampires (Su): A katane can sense the presence of other katanes, vampires, vampire spawn, and any other form of undead that feeds on living blood within 200 feet. This ability only allows the katane to determine the presence of such a creature in the area, not the number or power of such creatures, and the ability cannot be used to aid in blind-fighting or to pinpoint a target.

Spider Climb (Ex): A katane can climb sheer surfaces as though with a spider climb spell.

Abilities: Change from the base creature as follows: Str +2, Dex +2, Cha +2.

Skills: Katanes have a +4 racial bonus on Bluff. Hide, Listen, Move Silently, and Spot checks.

Feats: Katanes gain Improved Initiative as a bonus feat.

Environment: Same as base creature.

Organization: Solitary, gang (2-4 normal base creatures and 1 katane; or 2-4 vampires and 1 katane), or party (2-8 normal base creatures and 2-4 katanes; or 2-8 vampires and 2-4 katanes).

Challenge Rating: Same as the base creatures +1.

Alignment: Often chaotic evil.

Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature +4.

  抵死触者/亡染者往往苍白又纤瘦,有黑色,渍棕色或灰色的毛发。 许多人的身体特征都与他们的血统背道而驰,例如多颗凶锋的犬齿,一条食尸鬼般的舌头,一份淡弱的坟墓臭味,微光下或红、或黄、或绿诸色莹莹的双眼,或如尸体般紧绷的皮肤。他们穿戴着所居住地区的服装和发型,但偏爱那些隐藏自身本质并打消(别人)关注的款式。亡染者可能是离群索居的,并且容易出现突发的每次持续几天甚至几周的沮丧情绪。他们渐渐喜欢任何能够理解或包容其痛苦的人。
  大多数种族都不信任各类亡灵类生物,无论完整的还是部分的。血统一旦暴露,抵死触者/亡染者可能不是被驱离便要被杀死。某些精灵认为它们神憎鬼厌,务必要赶尽杀绝。这导致大多数抵死触者/亡染者对别族望“人”生畏。 抵死触者/亡染者也没法指望他们的亡灵亲族能接纳自己,后者认为他们与其他凡人没啥区别。不过,死亡系诸神的某些狂热崇拜者会尊敬抵死触者/亡染者,而死灵法师也可能会欢迎他们来交易皮肤,头发和血液样本,这对于他们的实验来说是无价之宝。 抵死触者/亡染者对提夫林有亲切感,但与阿斯莫相处的并不融洽。
劇透 -   :
The deathtouched trace their ancestry to a half-undead being - usually a katane or the victim of a bungled resurrection. Although rarely recognized as such, the taint of unlife lingers through generations, and a deathtouched can manifest abilities derived from its unliving ancestor.

Deathtouched tend to be pale and thin, with black, dirty brown, or gray hair. Many have some physical feature that belies their heritage, such as sharpened canines, a ghoul-like tongue, a faint smell of the grave, eyes that glow red, yellow or green in low light, or tight, corpselike skin. They wear the clothing and hairstyles of the region they live in but favor fashions that conceal their nature and discourage notice. Deathtouched can be reclusive and are prone to fits of depression that last days or even weeks at a time. They become fond of anyone who can understand or tolerate their affliction.

Most races do not trust creatures that are undead, in whole or in part, and a deathtouched whose ancestry has been exposed is likely to be driven off or killed. Some elves consider them abominations that must be hunted to extinction. This causes most deathtouched to be fearful of others. Neither can deathtouched expect acceptance from their undead kin, who see them as no different from other mortals. Certain cults of death gods treat deathtouched with respect, though, and necromancers might welcome them in exchange for skin, hair, and blood samples, which are invaluable to their experiments. Deathtouched feel a kinship with tieflings but do not get along well with aasimar.

Like the planetouched, the deathtouched have no society or culture of their own and instead blend into existing ones. Mortif are the most common variety: humans with an undead or half-undead forebear. Other races might also have deathtouched members.

译者注:关于Mortif,从古老的公元前迦南神话/腓尼基神话中的冥界之神莫特(Mot),到今天墨西哥二战后流行的死亡聖女神Santa Muerte。mort及mortis是一个流行于法语为首的拉丁文化圈的死亡相关概念,甚至有相关的电影。而系列游戏Disciples信徒/圣战群英传中的死亡军团Undead Hordes,其神邸摩提斯Mortis——没有血肉的女神更是名闻遐迩,在3.5e wiki非官方内容私下设定中更有适合成为死灵法师的魔法派系类人亚种Velkurn分支Mortifin

莫提夫CR 1/2 
生命骰:        1d8(4 hp)
先攻:         +0;
速度:         基础速度30英尺(穿着链甲20英尺)
AC:         17(+5链甲,+2重盾),碰触10,措手不及17
基础攻击力/擒抱:   +1/+1
攻击:         短剑+2近战(1d6/19-20)或轻十字弓+1射程(1d8/19-20)
全回合攻击:      短剑+2近战(1d6/19-20)或轻十字弓+1射程(1d8/19-20)
面宽/触及:      5英尺/5英尺
特殊攻击:       寒冷之触
特性:         黑暗视觉60英尺,寒抗5,电抗5
属性:         力量13,敏捷11,体质10,智力10,感知11,魅力12 
豁免:         强韧+2,反射+0,意志+0
技能:         威吓+7,骑乘+4,潜行-5
专长:         闪避
气候:         温带平原
组织:         单独,一对,或成队(2-4)
挑战等级CR:     1/2。
宝藏/财产:      标准
阵营:         通常是中立的(任何)
进化:         根据人物职业等级
等级调整LA:     基础生物+1。


寒冷之触(SP):   莫提夫能以一级或其人物等级为施法者等级每天使用一次寒冷之触,以其中较高者为准。使用此能力可以缓解(来自)莫提夫血
技能:         莫提夫在威吓和潜行检定上获得+2种族加值。


种族技能:       抵死触者在威吓和潜行上有+2种族加值
种族专长:       抵死触者的专长会根据其职业等级获得。
特殊攻击(见上文):  寒冷之触(Chill Touch)
特性(见上文):    寒抗5,电抗5
自带语言:       通用语。
奖励语言:       任何,除了秘密语言(如德鲁伊语)。
天赋职业:       术士
等级调整:       +1。
劇透 -   :
Mortif* (CR 1/2)
Mortif,1st-Level Warrior
Medium Outsider (Native)
Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp)
Initiative: +0;
Speed: 30 ft. (20 ft. in chainmail)
AC: 17 (+5 chainmail, +2 heavy shield) touch 10, flat-footed 17
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+1
Attack: Short sword +2 melee (1d6/19-20)or light crossbow +1 ranged (1d8/19-20)
Full Attack: Short sword +2 melee (1d6/19-20)or light crossbow +1 ranged (1d8/19-20)
Face/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Chill touch
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft,resistance to cold 5 and electricity 5
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 12   
Saves:Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +0
Skills: Intimidate +7, Ride +4 ,Move Silently -5
Feats: Dodge
Climate: Temperate plains
Organization: Solitary, pair, or team (2-4)
Challenge Rating:1/2.
Treasure/Possessions: Standard
Alignment: Usually neutral (any)
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +1.
Source: Dragon #313

Mortif fight out self-preservation or greed. They do battle when and if it benifits them and usually protect their own hides before

their honor or reputation.  

Chill Touch (Sp): A mortif can use chill touch once per day as a 1st-level caster or as a caster of his character level, whichever is

higher. Using this ability relieves some of the psychic pressure of the mortif's heritage and is a pleasurable experience.

Skills: A mortif has a +2 racial bonus on Intimidation and Move Silently checks.

The mortif warrior presented here had the following abilities scores before racial adjustments: Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9,

Cha 8

Deathtouched as Charcters
Deathtouched charcters posses the following racial traits.
-2 Con, +2 Wis, +4 Cha
Medium size
A deathtouched's base land speed is 30 ft.
Darkvision 60 ft
Racial Skills: A mortif has a +2 racial bonus on Intimidation and Move Silently checks.
Racial Feats:A deathtouched gains feats according to its class levels.
Special Attacks(see above): Chill touch
Special Qualities(see above): resistance to cold 5 and electricity 5
Automatic Language: Common
Bonus Languages:Any expect for secret languages.
Favored Class:Sorcerer
Level Adjustment: +1.

译者附:寒冷之触(Chill Touch)
劇透 -   :
等级:  术士/法师1
距离:  接触
目标:  1个接触到的生物/每等级


« 上次编辑: 2020-08-29, 周六 22:03:04 由 泰核坦 »

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Re: 模板-半亡灵 (增补)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2019-12-28, 周六 17:48:22 »

劇透 -   :
Unnatural Aura (Su): Animals, both wild and domesticated, can sense the unnatural presence of a fetch at a distance of 15 feet. They will not willingly approach nearer than that and panic if forced to do so; they remain panicked as long as they are within that range.

Abilities: Change from the base creature as follows: Str -2, Dex +2, Con -2, Cha +2.

Skills: A fetch gains a +4 racial bonus on Move Silently checks.

Organization: Solitary, gang (2-4 normal base creatures and fetch), or party (2-8 normal base creatures and 2-4 fetches).

Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +5.

Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature.
« 上次编辑: 2019-12-28, 周六 19:49:00 由 Hikari »

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Re: 模板-半亡灵 (增补)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2019-12-28, 周六 19:37:54 »
http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/index.php?topic=104861.0 非瑞的翻译,已经很完善了,死之生者
« 上次编辑: 2020-01-01, 周三 20:40:57 由 Hikari »

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Re: 模板-半亡灵 (增补)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2019-12-28, 周六 19:50:53 »


Nato al lume guizzante della candela 生于摇曳的烛光
Scritto in tempi oscuri 写于黑暗的时代
Sulla vecchia pergamena 在古老的羊皮纸上
Scorre la penna 笔尖滑动
E dal suo braccio nasce 从他的臂膀生出
Il disegno delle volte celesti 苍穹的图案
È l'inizio dei tempi 那是时代的起点
E cambierà il mondo 它也将改变世界

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Re: 模板-半亡灵 (增补)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2019-12-28, 周六 20:00:07 »
引述: Hikari 于 今天17:48:22


Nato al lume guizzante della candela 生于摇曳的烛光
Scritto in tempi oscuri 写于黑暗的时代
Sulla vecchia pergamena 在古老的羊皮纸上
Scorre la penna 笔尖滑动
E dal suo braccio nasce 从他的臂膀生出
Il disegno delle volte celesti 苍穹的图案
È l'inizio dei tempi 那是时代的起点
E cambierà il mondo 它也将改变世界

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Re: 模板-半亡灵 (增补)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2019-12-28, 周六 20:05:31 »
引述: Hikari 于 今天17:48:22


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Re: 模板-半亡灵 (施工中)
« 回帖 #8 于: 2019-12-28, 周六 20:41:23 »
因为其主页叫Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
« 上次编辑: 2019-12-28, 周六 21:06:15 由 泰核坦 »

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Re: 模板-半亡灵 (施工中)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2019-12-28, 周六 21:03:50 »